Tag Archives: IL

Change.org Petitions Working to Help Animals wk 03-04-12

4 Mar


Please vote for Bruno!

9 Feb

The following information is found on the website for Castaway Pet Rescue. We would like to urge all our friends from Hand4Paws to give a hand to Bruno. He is in great need of everyone’s help. Please remember, small donations add up in a tremendous way. Even if you can’t help financially, you can lend a hand by sharing & tweeting. There is also a contest by Best Bully Sticks in which Bruno is participating. Please consider voting for little Bruno. It is relatively easy. First like the FB page for Best Bully Sticks then follow the following link to vote for Bruno. He is in great need of your votes!



Bruno was found in an alley in Chicago with no use of his back legs at 4 weeks old!!!

Someone brought him into CACC and he was to be put to sleep. However Castaway Pet Rescue saw this little man fell in love with his on site and knew they had to save him!

Bruno is in a foster home and is getting all the love a attention he could ever want! He is going to a rehabilitation center for muscle strength and acupuncture treatments and he has begun using his back legs! We all have hope that maybe someday he will walk on his own. But if not, that’s OK, he will just be one of the cool dogs in wheels!

Bruno is the happiest puppy ever and has stole the hearts of people all across the US. His face can light up a room!

You know what they say, “one man’s trash is another mans treasure”, and Bruno is…he is our treasure!!!!

To donate via Chipin towards Bruno’s ongoing therapy and care Click Here.

Kissing Bruno from Karen Erbach on Vimeo.

Animal Petitions sponsored by @Change.org wk 01/22/12

22 Jan