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No Justice for Raider

24 Jul

Update on Petition that was started early 2012…and she was just sentenced this May of 2013


Sarah Rust from Indiana. Found guilty of animal abuse.

Sarah Rust: Jail time from May 08,2013 till June 14,2013.

Then, 275 days on probation under Hamilton County Community Corrections that was then filed under the Residential Project Contract. She is not to consume any alcohol or be in a place where alcohol is the primary product served. She has to participate in anger counseling, and a CARE evaluation and treatment.

The petition is not a victory although it was delivered to the targets and although she was found guilty.  

She did not get the maximum penalty for Class D Felony she committed and because she still gets to be around animals. For a class D Felony the maximum is 3 years in the state of Indiana.

The petition is now closed. As it is done for each petition, we wanted to give the end result of the justice system. This time, it has failed for animals. We will not give up as long as we have the support and dedication of caring animal advocates.

 Thank you very much to all that signed and shared the petition.

Click here to visit petition 

In Memory of a very loved cat named Morris

14 Jul

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We received to our Mailbox a message from a young activist wanting to spread the word on what happened to her cat and what led for her furbaby to crossover rainbow bridge. Although none of the team members of hand4paws are veterinarians, we feel it is our obligation to share information that others provide. We recommend you talk to your cat’s vet and see all details that make a healthy and nutritious diet for your cat. Do your research and browse through the net to find more information. Here is a link where you can start reading about cats and eating dry food : Click here

Thank you – Hand4paws

These animals, cats more than dogs, need raw mat. Dry food is not acidic, apparently. Diet is the brick and mortar of health. Cats have a better chance at optimal health if they are fed a canned food diet instead of dry kibble. Putting a little thought into what you feed your cat(s) can pay big dividends over their lifetime and very possibly help them avoid serious, painful, and costly illnesses. An increasing number of nutrition-savvy veterinarians, including board-certified veterinary internists, are now strongly recommending the feeding of canned food instead of dry kibble.

The three key negative issues associated with dry food are:

1) water content is too low

2) carbohydrate load is too high

3) type of protein – too high in plant-based versus animal-based proteins

My cat had crystals build up in his bladder, and the toxins from his kidneys could not be released in this manner. The toxins were put into his blood. It is VERY important to keep your cat’s diet balanced, ESPECIALLY if you have a male

#Justice4Max Sign the petition and read our stand

6 Jul




Please make sure to sign the petition started by Scotty Reid:
Click Here: Petition | Hawthorne Chief of Police Robert Fager: Terminate officers for violating oath and endangering the public |

Watch the Recorded Live Feed of the Justice for Max peace rally : Click Here

Today, a fellow friend of animals sent the following article written for The Huntington Post :

Three Hawthorne Police Officers Go Off Street Duty After Shooting Dog

It explains: Three police officers have been pulled from street duty for their safety in Southern California after a widely circulated video showed an officer fatally shooting a Rottweiler and drew numerous death threats. Hawthorne police spokesman Lt. Scott Swain told the Daily Breeze, the decision is for the officers’ safety after the uniformed officer shot the dog four times on Sunday.

Our Thoughts:

Seriously? The police are afraid of Animal Advocates? Animal advocates care saving lives not killing! They have to end this stupid comments that Animal Advocates are dangerous! Not even in situations of the Animal Liberation Front has a human ever died! They liberate animals and destroy property but never taken a single human life! Why send out a press release in which lies are being told? 

Karma will take care of those that are unfair! And I know these 3 will get back everything that they did…and it will make them feel the pain that Max and his human companion felt. Does the police really think that they will change the focus of the story? The safety of the police? I would say that the citizens are now safe that those three cops are off the streets? Who are they kidding?

The video shows the truth from any angle. Abuse of power and lack of common sense! The man that shot the dog lacks common sense. They should know that when a dog is going to attack the dog will not approach and look and wait for an answer from his human guardian like Max did. No matter from what angle the video is seen, the dog approaches and looks back and forth to the people attacking his friend. He knows nothing about uniforms…he just knows people attacking his friend. There was no need to draw the gun, the dog did not reach to attack anyone. His owner begged, the dog was looking for comfort. The man was not going to run…cause he had nothing to hide. If he would have wanted to escape he would have from the start. He surrender and offer no resistance to arrest, he just asked…”why.”

If police would have been smart…they would have allowed the man take the dog back to the car and calm him down. This could have been done without taking off the cuffs. Then police calls for a family member to take the dog or they call animal services to pick him up until the man arrested can pick the pup up. Unfortunately, dogs are seen as property in certain states…but if the dog lived in the house being investigated…then he was part of the evidence and he had no right to temper the “evidence.” Why didn’t any if the cops there think of anything of anything?! Why…because they have no training and they don’t respect sentient beings! If the cops action is said to be the right action at that moment…then how come other officers did not draw their guns? Why…because they knew there was no need to shoot the pup. Only one coward…one coward…thought it was the right thing to shoot an animal. BAD DECISION MAKING AND JUST A PREPOTENT RESPONSE ! #Justice4Max


Justice for Phoenix the dog

3 Jul

Hand4Paws would like to inform all all the 12,644 supporters that gave a voice to Phoenix that today we celebrate a victory for animals! The maximum penalty has been given to one of the two teens that attacked him. Each person that made up the prosecution team defending Phoenix are heroes and deserve all of our love and respect for the victory attained today. The judge sentenced Adell Zeigler to two years in prison plus banning him from owning an animal for 7 years. He will start serving this sentence in the month of October of 2013. Right now he is still in jail because of other charges. It may not be enough time or punishment that he received compared to the torment that Phoenix lived through. The Judge gave maximum sentence and it is a step in recognizing that animal cruelty and abuse will be punished.

Thank you to the staff of Buffalo Small Animal Hospital for saving Phoenix’s life. This is your victory! This is a victory achieved by Phoenix. Thank you to the guardian angel and now human companion of Phoenix… He survived, he has the heart to forgive humans and still trust in the goodness and kindness of those around him. This is a victory for animals in New York. Today, human law has favored on a non-human animal. They are sentient beings that deserve for us humans to care for them and protect them.  Bravo to all that signed, shared, tweeted and gave a voice to little Phoenix.

While in jail, Adell Zeigler has been boasting via phone that he is now famous because of what he did to little Phoenix. He has no remorse; he shows no respect for life, he is a criminal and even District Attorney Frank Sedita called him a sociopath. The time passes fast and he will be out of prison, please share the article and petition so people know his name and his face. Those that hurt animals will hurt humans.

In the interview done today with Adell’s lawyer, Ann Nichols, expressed reproach for those compassionate people that wanted to adopt Phoenix and to the people that signed the petition and sent letters, we would like to extend a word of respect for taking the job of defending the person that is known for such a horrible crime. We are very sorry that the child protection services and those that are in government to protect the innocence of children failed Adell Zeigler.

Here is the article that came out today with the information of the case. Please be sure to watch the video.

Teen learns sentence for puppy burning |

For the original petition link click here:


25 Apr




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Update about Barchiel! Thanks to you all we were able to get to his rescue  $720 to help with his treatment. The other part of the money went to compensate a part of his transport. The rescuers and the those that did transports will always be in my prayers. Click here to read the article that Joyce Fields wrote about his transport.

There are some beautiful pictures of Barchiel on the rescue’s Facebook Page. He is such a professional model already! Click here to look at all of his pictures!

This is the letter that we received from Rachael from Sioux Empire Pit Rescue last Friday:

Hey Liliana, Barchiel is doing well. Heartworm injections are completed and now it’s just keeping him quiet for the next 60 days until the retest.He does have a cyst on his right foot in between his pads. He has started limping,  which as big as the cyst is,  does not surprise me. Barchiel is on remedyl for now to help with the pain. Our vet doesn’t want to remove it for at least 30 days after his heartworm injections,  so we will try to make him as comfortable as possible until then.His hip will be what it is – dislocated.. there is no way to set this once they are out. Since the injury has already started to heal we will just let the scar and muscle tissue continue to heal and keep him at a nice weight. The key to that is exercise to build muscle and strength and good weight management. We are still waiting for his babesia test results to come back from North Carolina – hoping to get those next week. Crossing my fingers he doesn’t have babesia. He did visit the vet again this Monday and the vet couldn’t believe how much better he looked in just one week! We both think it’s like a whole new dog!! He has been introduced to my household pets (cats and dogs) and is doing well – of course with close supervision and leadership. He is learning where he fits in with the pack. I have a household of senior citizens so his laid back demeanor fits right in. We are remodeling our bathroom and were painting last night. Needless to say,  he was on the sectional crashed out with the pack,  sleeping away. He is a goof ball too! When you let him out of his crate he will “high step” or prance around the room like he is the happiest boy in the world. He will also do that after he comes in from outside. We had another 8 inches of snow last night,  so he is getting a crash course in winter weather but seems to be enjoying it. We are letting him sleep with us at night for the time being,  until he can fully be trusted with the other animals. He loves his toy playtime – he’s one of the few fosters that I have had in my house that doesn’t rip them to shreds immediately. In the mornings I have to drag him out of bed to go outside. He would rather sleep – my kind of dog! That’s the first week and a half update! Hope all is well with you. Rachael


This is the new update today posted on the rescue’s Facebook Page:

Barchiel is having a wonderful time settling into his foster home. He isn’t sure about the last minute snow that has taken over April but he takes it all in good spirits! What a clown this boy is – a hoot and is recovering well from his heart worm treatment.


Please continue sharing Barchiel’s Story and Please give kindly to help this wonderful organization that responded within minutes of us asking for help for Barchiel. God Bless those that help Stray animals.

Click here to donate

Breaking News! A rescue is taking Barchiel!

31 Mar
Barchiel Map copy
We are happy to inform you that Barchiel has found a rescue that will find him a happy forever home. Sioux Empire Pit Rescue is an all volunteer 501C3 rescue group in Sioux Falls South Dakota. Sioux Empire’s mission is to promote responsible Pit Bull ownership, provide breed education, combat pet overpopulation, and find qualified homes for sound Pit Bull dogs in South Dakota.
Barchiel will be traveling from Edinburg, Texas all the way up to Sioux, South Dakota. This little guy is moving up state! Joy Benson has directed the transport operation for Barchiel. He will travel by car. Eight people are involved in a seven-state transport for him.
We are still asking for your help to cover the costs. So far, the online fundraiser has lost momentum and we are asking for your help to make this happen.  Find it in your hearts to give a little for dear Barchiel. This has been a long journey towards a happy ending for our now happy little friend!
So far, you have helped raise $696 for Barchiel. We still need $1,500 to cover all the miles he has to travel and medical expenses. Please give kindly. He still has a long way to go to a happy ending.

Click here to DONATE!!! click here



New update on Barchiel! Formerly known as “dog living on a mattress”

15 Mar


Remember the posting about the pup living on a mattress? It has been a few weeks since I first saw Barchiel on an empty lot in Pharr Texas. My friend Joyce Fields, was there to help me out getting the word out on Barchiel. She had the time and patience for me to explain her all that had happened in one single day and explained to her my intentions to have the dog rescued. If you did not read the first article by Joy you can read it by clicking here: Stray dog living on a mattress needs help.

Since then, many things happened once he was picked up by animal control. My friend Joy Benson has been with me from the start and she did not give up on Barchiel till he was picked up. The Animal Control of the City of Pharr Texas were helpful in telling us that he had been picked up and sent to Palm Valley Animal Center. The bad news that we did not know was that the animal shelter has a policy on not placing any pit mixes available for adoption. Being so close to the border with Mexico there is always the chance of the dogs ending up in dog fighting rings. Joyce Fields wrote another article asking for people to help him out.If you missed it you can read it by clicking here: Update on stray dog living on a mattress

Joy and I called to the animal shelter in order to talk to them. I have to thank to all the kind people that picked up our calls. Thank you for your kindness and listening to us. At the end of the 3 days of hold…we received news that Barchiel would not be put to sleep. He would be placed on hold till he found a rescue to take him in. He got his first vaccines and he got tested for Heartworm…unfortunately he did test positive for heartworm.

The shelter asked that in order for Barchiel to be placed in a rescue it has to be a registered rescue. There is limited transport…He has a ride to San Antonio, Houston or Austin at the moment. The treatment for his heartworm and he still needs to be fixed. Joy Benson, Joyce Fields and I decided to start online fundraising. So far we are close to $500! Thanks to great people that have donated and want to help Barchiel. What he needs now is to find a rescue that will be willing to give him a chance and give him a vacant place in rescue. He is a good boy, very timid, but he does not respond aggressively when people show him affection or touch him while he eats. He is getting socialized at Palm Valley Animal Shelter.

This are some of his details: 

age: two yeas of age
color: tan / white
The following is the description given by the animal shelter:

He is just about 2yrs old, HW+, and weighs 62lbs. He is now tested and vaccinated. He is a little timid but not aggressive.

He takes food just fine in a bowl and shows no food aggression when adding more to his bowl, or taking away. He loves to be loved on.

He likes neck rubs and is staying close on his little rug. If you can help pull him to a rescue organization (501c3) OUTSIDE OF THE RGV

If you can help this sweetheart that has no fault for being abandoned and left to fend for himself, please contact us! We are here to help!

All rescues that send a message will be vetted by us in order to find Barchiel an appropriate home.

email of Joy:
email of Nellie:
Nellie Zamora  email at She is rescue program director for the facility.

My email: liliana@montrealdogblog

Please if you would like to do a kind donation to help out Barchiel please click here


We would also like to ask for you to like the FB page of Palm Valley Animal Shelter they are a group of kind people that want to change things

in the RGV Click here 

We have named him Barchiel…it means angel of compassion. We have all being guided by compassion to help out this little guy

If you read this posting…I pray you can help him out. Please share his story.

There is always room for one..I see by his coat he must be a stray,
The untidy look gives him away.
He’s lost his will and is so thin,
Hasn’t eaten since God knows when.
I know as I coax him through the door,
There’s always room for one more.
The other night in the freezing rain,
That little female came again.
Matted and soaked, crying in need,
Lost and alone with babies to feed.
Her pleading eyes I couldn’t ignore,
There’s always room for one more.

There’s a new face on the docks today,
Hungry but clean, to our dismay,
I stroked her head, her body rippled,
When she got up I saw she was crippled.
She started to go, but fell on the floor.
There’s always room for one more.

There’s the poor doggy standing in the rain,
I’ve tried to entice him time and again.
One ear is lopsided, the other’s been torn,
Blind in one eye, lost and forlorn.
He’s coming now, so I’ll open the door.
There’s always room for one more.
– Unknown


Donate to DFW Rescue Me or to the Dallas Animal Shelter and Hand4Paws will promote your company via online article and social media‏

6 Feb

DFW Rescue Me is a wonderful rescue group located in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. DFW has helped save many animals from being euthanized, and has taken on such cases such as Justice, the puppy set on fire and burned over 70% of his little body, who sadly later died from his burns. Here is Justice’s story:

We, Hand4Paws, are not associated with DFW Rescue Me. Hand4Paws is an all-volunteer group of world-wide animal advocates that use social media to promote animal rights and fight for animal welfare. We do, however, appreciate the hard work DFW has done to aid animals in need. Hand4Paws prepared a petition, asking that the man who allegedly set Justice on fire receive the maximum sentence. The petition received 29,000 signatures.

If you would be interested in helping out this great organization, DFW Rescue Me, by making a donation directly to them via their website, here is their link:

We would like to ask for help for the Dallas Animal Services. They receive help from DFW Rescue me and they also do great work promoting animal adoption and doing their best in saving animals and educating the public. According to their site they are dedicated to the humane treatment of animals in Dallas and educating others about responsible pet ownership. They reinforce these ideals every day by providing daily care for hundreds of animals in the shelter, assisting citizens who come to see us as well as out in the community. They respond to calls regarding animal welfare and concerns, conduct free Responsible Pet Ownership classes, hold offsite animal adoption events, and speak at and provide educational information at public safety fairs, environmental festivals, and neighborhood organizations. They are in great need of different things that would make the life of so many dogs more comfortable. They include their wish list:

If you choose to donate, a member of Hand4Paws who writes for the Examiner has offered to include in an article on a visit to DFW a list of the individuals/companies/organizations which have agreed to help by donating to DFW Rescue Me or Dallas Animal Services. One of our members will be visiting the DFW shelter to deliver the petition for Justice and toys and other donated items we can collect.

Hand4Paws will also promote on Facebook and Twitter the companies which donate to DFW Rescue Me or Dallas Animal Services. We will be also be posting on our Facebook wall a list of those who help out rescues when we ask them, along with their Facebook link, which we will ask people to “like.”

If you are able to donate, please let Hand4Paws know after you have donated (DO NOT provide Hand4Paws with monetary or other information, ONLY answer this email to say that you have donated and send us your Facebook link and/or link for your website so we may promote it).

DFW is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization. As is mentioned in “Justice’s Story”: “in his honor, DFW Rescue Me has created the Justice fund to ensure all dogs that are the victims of abuse or neglect in the city of Dallas receive necessary medical care and the opportunity to know the kindness of the human hand that they so deserve. Justice will ensure they have a second leash on life.”

If you have any questions, you can contact DFW Rescue Me directly, more information can be found here: or Hand4Paws at the email below.

Thank you,

All Volunteer Animal Action Team

NOTE: Hand4Paws reserves the right to decide only to promote business or companies that promote animal adoption and that do not promote the sale of any companion animal.

Justice and Honor for the dog named Bridges.

5 Dec


The following is a letter by one of our Facebook Friends; Christine Martin. She is being a voice for Bridges. Bridges is no longer with us and has crossed over the rainbow bridge. She sent us this letter in order to gain support and for people to know Bridges’ story. Please take the time to read and take action in order for the terrible thing that happen to Bridges not to happen again to another animal. We are all a voice to animals. They need our support and signature. Please, Read, Sign, Join and Share!
Dear Hand4Paws,

I’m writing to you in regards to a sad case involving a young German Shepherd (named Bridges) who’d been rescued from a High Kill shelter in Georgia after he’d been dumped there when the young man that owned him died of cancer. After surviving at this shelter for some time, Bridges was finally rescued and was sent to a boarding facility in Butts County before being transported to his new home. During his stay at this boarding facility, Bridges was shot and killed by the owner Jose Ortiz (who was later found to be operating this boarding facility illegally). Bridges survived a high kill shelter but didn’t survive this boarding facility and Bridges never made it to his new home.

Even though no charges have yet been brought against Jose Ortiz, the Georgia Humane Society is now involved and are pursuing criminal charges of animal cruelty against Mr. Ortiz.I’m writing to your organization to ask whether you and your members would like to sign a Petition at the Care2 Petition Site (sponsored by Lauren Bjorklund) which is seeking Justice for Bridges:
We’d also really appreciate it if you would check out the “Honor for Bridges” Facebook page and share it with friends since the more people that know about this case, the less likely that other animals will share the same fate as Bridges:
This is the new poster by the Georgia Humane Society on Bridge’s story (which shows a photo of Jose Ortiz one day after he shot and killed Bridges):
Georgia Humane Society website: and their email:
Georgia Humane Society Facebook Page:
Thanks for your time and for everything that you do to help animals in need,
Christine Martin
Denver, CO

Gordon Shell, The Dog Fighter

10 Oct

Hand4Paws really appreciates the work being done by Gordon Shell, MMA fighter turned fighter to help dogs. His documentary, The Dog Fighter, is scheduled to be released next month, and this great film needs more exposure.   We are asking our friends who care about dogs to please contact CNN and Ellen DeGeneres, asking if they would interview Gordon Shell.

Gordon Shell’s story was shared on the iReport site for CNN. Although it has over 1,000 views and recommendations, it was never chosen to be aired.

You’ll see what we mean when you read more about Gordon Shell and watch the trailer for The Dog Fighter:

Would you please help Gordon Shell (and dogs everywhere!) by sending an email to CNN and Ellen via their online contact forms:

CNN story ideas:

CNN Anderson Cooper:

Ellen DeGeneres: 

Thank you, and please share this!  When we work together, we can do amazing things!!

Here is a sample letter:

Please consider interviewing Gordon Shell.  His documentary The Dog Fighter is scheduled to be released in November 2012.

The Dog Fighter is the inspiring true story of mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter Gordon Shell. When a medical condition threatened to end his career as a fighter, Shell didn’t back down, but continued to fight. This time, however, the fight was for a different cause: the homeless and abused dogs of Detroit. The documentary covers the transition Shell made from MMA fighter to The Dog Fighter. Shell states “I started pushing harder since I’m a fighter and work with fighters. I think we have a bigger voice to go after the bad guys.”

His is a great human interest story.  So many people are interested in the things Gordon Shell is doing for all animals.  When his story was published in the online article below, it went viral. Although his documentary depicts what happens in Detroit, it portrays the reality of many cities across the United States as well as the whole world. He is a great human being working for a great cause, helping man’s best friend.

He is especially against dog fighting.  In his own words: “I’m fighting. So the dogs don’t have to.”

Please watch the movie trailer in this article:

Thank you for your consideration.